2015 待機馳線 Transfer of Madline





影片開始以雙魚座的特性描繪二元的概念。左側頻道搭配中文字幕,而右邊頻道搭配英文字幕。 在中文字幕視頻中顯示順時影片,而英文視頻則顯示反方向操作。

最後,使用一首馬來西亞童謠《Ikan kekek》這首歌作為影片的結尾。 歌詞是關於一些魚的品種特質,還有讓他們更好吃的烹飪秘訣。



August 2015

After having spent over a year studying overseas in Taiwan, I returned back to my motherland. This was the first time I had ever left my home for such a long time.

The biggest difference between the two countries wasn’t the weather or the constant challenge of translation. It was for the people that asked me when I’d be back home – in Malaysia family meant home, whilst in Taiwan home stood for friends and life on campus.

I made a Madline box that fit as a carry-on, and thus accompanied me on board of a plane that I took from Taiwan to Malaysia. I also recorded the whole trip that I undertook with the Madline box. The recording was shown in a two-channel stop motion video. The division of my story into two opposing points – Malaysia and Taiwan / past and the present – made me think of my horoscope (Pisces) and its characteristics – duality. I therefore split the story in two, having one channel play the recording backwards and adding English subtitles to it, whilst the other recording played forward with Chinese subtitles. I also chose the Malay song called “Ikan kekek” to play at the ending of the video. The song is a Children’s song about which fish to cook and how to prepare it so that it will be more delicious to eat.



ikan kekek

Lyrics : Haron
Compose: Ismail
ikan kekek mak iloi iloi
ikan gelama mak ilai ilai
nanti adik mak iloi iloi
pulang sama mak ilai ilai
ada satu si ikan parang
badannya panjang berbelang belang
isi nya sdikit banyak tulang
sedap dimakan ala masak pindang
ikan kekek mak iloi iloi
ikan gelama mak ilai ilai
nanti adik mak iloi iloi
pulang sama mak ilai ilai
ada satu si ikan pari
badannya bulat penuh isi
sedap dimakan kalo masak kari
jangan lupa taruh lebih chili
ikan kekek mak iloi iloi
ikan gelama mak ilai ilai
nanti adik mak iloi iloi
pulang sama mak ilai ilia
ikan kekek oi
ikan kekek
ikan kekek oi
ikan kekek


















